N.B. Click on each Officer's name or picture to learn more about them!
Evie Todaro (she/her)
Q Zhang
Fanga Rajan (she/her)
Olivia Uhlhorn (she/her)
Eleanor Chandler (she/her)
Executive Board - Adults
TJCL State Co-Chair Mr. Tim Russell ([email protected])
TJCL State Co-Chair Mr. Ryan Vinson ([email protected])
TJCL Publicity Chair Ms. Reagan Ryder ([email protected])
TJCL Academics Chair Mr. Jim Long ([email protected])
TJCL Treasurer Dr. Pat McFadden ([email protected])
TJCL West Tennessee Area Sponsor Dr. Abigail Braddock-Simone ([email protected])
TJCL Middle Tennessee Area Sponsor Mr. Ed Long ([email protected])
TJCL East Tennessee Area Sponsor Mr. Alex Mangone ([email protected])
TJCL State Co-Chair Mr. Ryan Vinson ([email protected])
TJCL Publicity Chair Ms. Reagan Ryder ([email protected])
TJCL Academics Chair Mr. Jim Long ([email protected])
TJCL Treasurer Dr. Pat McFadden ([email protected])
TJCL West Tennessee Area Sponsor Dr. Abigail Braddock-Simone ([email protected])
TJCL Middle Tennessee Area Sponsor Mr. Ed Long ([email protected])
TJCL East Tennessee Area Sponsor Mr. Alex Mangone ([email protected])
Tennessee Junior Classical League
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email State Co-Chair Ms. Ashley Nix ([email protected])
If you run across any problems with the website, please contact Communications Coordinator Fanga Rajan ([email protected])
If you run across any problems with the website, please contact Communications Coordinator Fanga Rajan ([email protected])