JCL Study Materials
Click here to download the word list for the TJCL Mythology Spelling Bee.
Click this link to be taken to a Google Drive folder full of study materials for JCL. This collection will be updated as more materials are made/found. Be sure to check njcl.org for the official source lists. Some of these are on the NJCL website as references, but that DOES NOT make them official sources by which you can win a challenge. Others are official sources that are in the public domain.
Many thanks go to David Jackson, Connor Harrison, Howard Chang, Ben VanGelder, Geoffrey Revard, Dante Minutillo, Abhi Goyal, Will Ladnier, Paul Chong, Jim Greenwald, Grady Warren, and Bill Smithfield, among others.
N.B.: Several schools/districts restrict their users from accessing Google Drive folders from outside of the organization. If this is the case for you, try a personal Google account. You should not have to request access.
Click this link to be taken to a Google Drive folder full of study materials for JCL. This collection will be updated as more materials are made/found. Be sure to check njcl.org for the official source lists. Some of these are on the NJCL website as references, but that DOES NOT make them official sources by which you can win a challenge. Others are official sources that are in the public domain.
Many thanks go to David Jackson, Connor Harrison, Howard Chang, Ben VanGelder, Geoffrey Revard, Dante Minutillo, Abhi Goyal, Will Ladnier, Paul Chong, Jim Greenwald, Grady Warren, and Bill Smithfield, among others.
N.B.: Several schools/districts restrict their users from accessing Google Drive folders from outside of the organization. If this is the case for you, try a personal Google account. You should not have to request access.