We, the members of the National Junior Classical League in Tennessee, in order to carry out more effectively the purpose of our national organization, namely "to hand on the torch of classical civilization in the modern world," do hereby adopt the following constitution and agree to abide by its rules:
Article I: Operation Section 1 - Name: The name of this organization shall be the Tennessee Junior Classical League, hereafter referred to as TJCL, a constituent division of the National Junior Classical League, hereafter referred to as NJCL, and of the American Classical League, hereafter referred to as ACL.
Section 2 - Purpose: The purpose of this organization shall be three-fold: a) To gain a more thorough knowledge of Roman and Greek life, history, and literature; b) To understand the practical and cultural value of Latin; c) To interest other students in classical languages and civilizations.
Section 3 - Robert’s Rules of Order: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern TJCL in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of TJCL.
Section 4 - The emblem, pin, and colors shall be the same as those of the national organization.
Section 5 - Publication: The official publication of this organization shall be titled The Tennessee Torch.
Article II: Membership Section 1 - Individual Membership: Individual membership in this organization shall be of two kinds: member of a chapter and member-at-large. All members must either be taking or have taken a classical language or course in the classical humanities. Additionally, membership may be granted to others at the discretion of the chapter or state organization, not necessarily taking a classical language course in the present or past.
Section 2 - Local Chapters: Local chapters shall consist of one or more individuals who qualify and who affiliate with TJCL and NJCL. These local chapters must have a qualified sponsor as outlined in Article 2, Section 5.
Section 3 - Member-at-Large: Properly qualified persons who wish to become members of TJCL but who have no local chapter may become active members-at-large by affiliating properly with TJCL and NJCL.
Section 4 - Good Standing: Local chapters shall be considered in good standing with TJCL only upon meeting the standards annually established by the Executive Board, with said standards including but not limited to the payment of annual TJCL and NJCL dues by the deadline set by the Executive Board.
Section 5 - Sponsors: Local chapters must be sponsored by a Latin teacher, by a teacher of the classical humanities, or by another individual approved by a State Chair. This person, who will be responsible for chapter activities, must be a member of ACL.
Article III: Executive Board Section 1 - The Executive Board shall consist of the State Chairs, the Academic Contest Chair, the three Area Sponsors, the elected student Officers, and the immediate past State Chairs. They shall act as agents through which the business of the TJCL can be transacted between conventions. The State Chairs shall serve as the chairpersons of this Board.
Section 2 - The State Chairs shall be elected by the local sponsors of the TJCL. They may be reappointed by the same process.
Section 3 - The Academic Chair shall be appointed annually by the State Chairs.
Section 4 - The three Area Sponsors shall be appointed by the State Chairs. There shall be one Sponsor from each of the grand divisions of the state. The term of office for each of the Area Sponsors shall be three years. An Area Sponsor may be reappointed.
Section 5 - The elected student Officers of this organization shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Parliamentarian, Communications Coordinator, Historian, and Torch Editor.
Section 6 - Vacancies: Should the office of President become vacant, the First Vice-President shall assume the office, and a new First Vice-President shall be appointed by the Executive Board. Should a mid-term vacancy occur among the other elected Officers, the Executive Board shall name a replacement to fill the remainder of the term.
Section 7 - Upon election to an office in NJCL, an officer of the TJCL must resign their position in the TJCL.
Section 8 - The immediate past State Chairs shall serve a tenure of one year, subsequent to their term as State Chairs, in which they shall be voting members of the Executive Board.
Article IV: Elections and Voting Section 1 - Candidacy: Any member of TJCL who fulfills the qualifications listed in Article IV Section 4 may apply to be a candidate for TJCL office. Applications for TJCL office must be sent to the TJCL Parliamentarian. Applications that are received at least five weeks prior to the day of the Nominations Committee meeting at the TJCL Convention, hereafter referred to as pre-filed applications, will be given priority in all cases, including at the Nominations Committee meeting. If there are fewer than two candidates who have submitted pre-filed applications for a TJCL office, then additional applications will be accepted for that office. Applications of this kind must be received by the TJCL Parliamentarian at least two weeks prior to the day of the Nominations Committee meeting. Candidates may switch their desired office as long as their switch is to an office which has received less than two applications. This switch must be received by the TJCL Parliamentarian at least two weeks prior to the day of the Nominations Committee meeting. If the Nominations Committee selects fewer than two candidates for a TJCL office from among those who submitted an application prior to the Nominations Committee, then nominations from the floor at the Nominations Committee may be considered for that office.
Section 2 - Qualifications: A candidate may qualify if their chapter is in good standing, they have paid their dues, and their sponsor approves the nomination. Members-at-large may also qualify for candidacy if they have paid their dues. An Officer must be enrolled in a Latin, Greek or classical humanities course for at least half of the term of their office, or they must have completed all Latin, Greek and classical humanities courses available at their school. The President, 2nd VP, and Torch Editor are required to attend the NJCL Convention immediately following their election, and all other Officers are strongly urged to attend. All candidates for TJCL office must have previously attended at least one TJCL Convention. The term of office for each student Officer shall be from the time of their election at an annual TJCL Convention until a successor is chosen at the next year's TJCL Convention. An Officer may not succeed themselves in the same office to which they were elected. A President may not be from the same chapter as the President whom they succeed. Candidates for President and Second Vice-President must have attended at least one TJCL and one NJCL Convention to be eligible to run for office. Persons who would graduate from school during their term shall be ineligible to run.
Section 3 - State of Emergency: If the Parliamentarian has received fewer than two applications for a TJCL office by the deadline listed in Article IV, Section 1, the Parliamentarian shall declare a state of emergency for that office, under which certain clauses in Article IV, Section 2 and Article IV, Section 4 shall become void for that office. These clauses are: a) "An Officer may not succeed themselves in the same office to which they were elected"; b) "A President may not be from the same chapter as the President whom they succeed"; c) "A candidate shall be nominated only by the delegate from their chapter"; d) "No chapter may nominate more than two candidates". In the case of a state of emergency, additional applications may be sent to the Parliamentarian. These applications must be received prior to the start of the Nominations Committee meeting.
Section 4 - Nominations Committee: Candidates for office shall be nominated by a committee that shall consist of one member from each chapter attending the annual TJCL Convention. The TJCL Parliamentarian shall preside over the meeting of this committee, the purpose of which is to select two candidates for each office to be filled. The Nominations Committee shall meet prior to the general elections. A candidate shall be nominated only by the delegate from their chapter, and only with the written approval of their sponsor. No chapter may nominate more than two candidates. A candidate may serve as the voting delegate for their chapter, provided that they recuse themselves during the Nominations Committee’s consideration of that candidate.
Section 5 - Campaigning: No TJCL Executive Board member may promote a candidate for election. A student member of the TJCL Executive Board may run for election to a different position, provided that they meet all the qualifications in Article IV, Section 3. No campaigning of any sort is permitted prior to the close of the Nominations Committee meeting. Each nominee will make a speech of no more than one minute in length. In a designated assembly, each candidate will make a campaign speech of no more than two minutes in length. Candidates may begin campaigning when authorized by the TJCL Parliamentarian, and materials shall be displayed in designated areas only. Materials deemed inappropriate by TJCL Executive Board members will be removed. All materials must be taken down and disposed of following the election. The TJCL Parliamentarian, with the consent of the Executive Board, shall set each year the limit on campaign expenses, shall publish this information in TJCL campaign information, and shall disseminate it to the nominees for office. The TJCL Parliamentarian shall collect receipts from each nominee at the conclusion of the Nominations Committee. Failure to abide by the expense limit will eliminate a nominee from the election.
Section 6 - Voting: Voting shall be by secret ballot. In general voting, each chapter present that is in good standing shall be allowed to cast two votes, provided that a delegate from that chapter was present at the Nominations Committee meeting; if not, then that chapter shall be allowed to cast only one vote. Chapters not in good standing shall be allowed only one vote. The majority rule shall apply, and abstentions will be counted toward the total in determining what constitutes a majority. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
Section 7 - Quorum: TJCL voting shall be conducted by the quorum rule. A quorum shall consist of at least one-half of the chapters in good standing that have registered for and are present at the convention. If a quorum does not exist, then the Parliamentarian, with the guidance of the State Chairs, shall determine the voting procedures.
Section 8 - Proxies: If a chapter that is registered at the TJCL Convention is unable to be present during voting, it may deposit a sealed proxy vote with the Parliamentarian.
Section 9 - The Executive Board reserves the jurisdiction to determine electoral procedures in extraordinary or unusual circumstances.
Article V: Impeachment Section 1 - If any Officer of this organization should fail to perform their duties as outlined in the TJCL Bylaws, or should behave in a manner unbecoming to a fellow Officer of this organization, they shall be subject to impeachment. Any member of the Executive Board may file a bill of impeachment with a State Chair describing the reasons for the bill. The Executive Board shall serve as a jury with the power to remove from office by majority vote.
Article VI: Amendments Section 1 - Proposed amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing to the Parliamentarian at least one month before the annual TJCL Convention. Copies of the amendments shall be sent out to all chapters to study two weeks before the TJCL Convention. These amendments shall be read at the first session of the general assembly at the annual TJCL Convention, if the Parliamentarian deems it necessary, and voted upon at the final session. A two-thirds majority shall be necessary for adoption. Each chapter present at the TJCL Convention may cast one vote.
Article VII: Bylaws Section 1 - Bylaws: Bylaws not contrary to any provisions of this constitution may be established.
Section 2 - Bylaws Procedures: Bylaws may be established, amended, or repealed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
I. Dues Chapters shall pay annual dues of ten (10) dollars. Individual dues shall be five (5) dollars annually per student, paid to the TJCL on or before the deadline established by the Executive Board.
II. Conventions The time of the annual TJCL Convention to be held in the spring shall be fixed to suit the availability of suitable host facilities. Convention sites shall be selected by a majority vote by the Executive Board. Whenever possible, the site of the TJCL Convention should rotate annually so as to cover each of the three grand divisions of the state. The TJCL Convention may be partially or entirely held using Internet services if necessary as determined by the Executive Board. The time and location of the TJCL Convention should be announced by the preceding fall.
III. The State Chairs A) Qualifications 1. A State Chair must meet at least one of the following requirements: a) Must currently be a teacher of classical languages or classical humanities. b) Must have taught on the secondary level for at least two years. c) Must have been a member of JCL or SCL. 2. A State Chair must be a member of the American Classical League. 3. The term of office will be three years, after which they may be reelected. 4. During the term of office, the State Chair(s) or their designee must attend the NJCL Convention.
B) Duties 1. To administer the business of the TJCL. 2. To send out membership letters and applications to all prospective chapters in the fall. 3. To divide the financial duties such that one chair handles accounts receivable and the other handles accounts payable. 4. To report the organization's income and expenses to the Treasurer thirty days before the fall planning meeting. 5. To assign duties to all state Officers and work with them throughout the year. 6. To assist the editor with the publication of the Torch. 7. To appoint a Publicity Chair with whom they will set guidelines. 8. To select three Area Sponsors and determine their duties of office. 9. To be responsible for the following mailings: a) In September, information and applications for membership. b) In November, materials for all TJCL chapters. c) TJCL Convention registration materials. d) TJCL Convention information and last minute details; TJCL Convention results. 10. To be in charge of the annual TJCL Convention. 11. To organize and preside over (with the President) the fall planning session, which will be attended by the Executive Board, and at which time the following shall be determined: a) The site of the annual TJCL Convention. b) The date of the annual TJCL Convention. c) TJCL Convention dues. d) TJCL Convention schedule. e) TJCL Convention rules and regulations for various contests. 12. To order all materials needed for the TJCL Convention (trophies, answer sheets, etc.). 13. To send out and receive registration forms. 14. To oversee the selection of judges and proctors for all events. 15. To organize the contests with the people in charge. 16. To work with the Academic Contest Chair on obtaining and printing the tests. 17. To perform the following duties at the TJCL Convention: a) Being in charge of registration. b) Introduction and welcome at the first general assembly. c) Overseeing the TJCL Convention. d) Setting up penalties for any infractions. 18. To make arrangements for the state delegation attending the NJCL Convention. 19. To help select a committee for the selection of all certamen teams to represent TJCL at the NJCL Convention. 20. To be compensated for the following: a) Postage, supplies, and phone calls for TJCL. b) Expenses to and from all meetings regarding TJCL at which they shall represent TJCL (unless the school at which they teach pays for them). c) Membership in organizations pertaining to JCL (unless paid for by their school).
IV. The Academic Contest Chair A) Duties 1. To be responsible for having the tests written according to the guidelines of the TJCL Executive Board. 2. To be responsible for the proofreading and correcting of all tests. 3. To be responsible for copying and collating the tests. 4. To be in attendance at the TJCL Convention during the testing period in order to supervise the administration and grading of the tests. 5. To submit the results of the top winners of each contest to the State Chairs for the final assembly. 6. To be responsible for compiling a list of all academic contest results to be sent out after the TJCL Convention and before the school year is over. 7. To submit a list of expenses to the State Chairs for reimbursement.
V. The Area Sponsors 1. There will be three Area Sponsors: one from East Tennessee, one from Middle Tennessee, and one from West Tennessee. 2. Each Area Sponsor will serve three years and may be reappointed. 3. Area Sponsors must attend the fall planning session for the coming year. 4. Each Area Sponsor should send in information from their specific area to the Torch and the State Chairs. 5. One Area Sponsor shall be in charge of the registration and organization of the Olympika events at the TJCL Convention. 6. One Area Sponsor shall be in charge of receiving the material and appointing judges for the essay and poetry contests at the TJCL Convention. 7. The Area Sponsor in charge of the essay and poetry contests shall also be in charge of all creative and graphic arts at the TJCL Convention including the following: a) Art registration. b) The judging of projects. c) Security for projects. d) Listing winners for all categories. e) Appointment of a person to receive skit material. 8. One Area Sponsor shall be in charge of obtaining certamen questions, and organizing the certamen competition and judging for all certamen rounds. 9. An Area Sponsor shall be compensated for the following: a) Postage and supplies in connection with the TJCL Convention. b) Telephone calls pertaining to the business of the TJCL. c) Mileage to and from the fall planning session. d) Room and board for one night while attending the fall planning session. 10. The three Area Sponsors shall determine the recipient of the TJCL scholarship for the NJCL Convention. 11. Area Sponsors will serve as mentors to state Officers elected from their region. As a mentor, the Area Sponsor will keep in contact with said student Officer monthly, assist them in the fulfillment of the duties of their elected office, approve Officer expenses before submitting them to the State Chair(s) for reimbursement, and any other assistance needed by the student for the successful completion of their term.
VI. The Publicity Chair 1. The Publicity Chair will serve for one year and may be reappointed. 2. Using the guidelines of the Publicity Contest, the Publicity Chair will receive and tally all entries to the contest and will report these results to the State Chair(s) prior to the TJCL Convention.
VII. The Treasurer
1. There shall be a Treasurer appointed by the State Chairs and approved by a majority of the Area Sponsors to oversee the financial operation of the organization. 2. The Treasurer will serve three years and may be reappointed. 3. The Treasurer will be responsible for annual registration and expenditures necessary for maintaining both TJCL’s status as an organization and any physical facilities or online presence. These include, but are not limited to, registration with the State of Tennessee as a non-profit organization, filing a 990-N with the IRS, and maintaining online services. All such expenditures shall be reported to the State Chairs in a timely fashion. 4. The Treasurer shall file a report of all financial matters to the Executive Board at the time of the fall planning meeting.
VIII. The Officers
A. President 1. To attend the NJCL Convention immediately following their election and to preside over all delegation meetings. 2. To respond to all NJCL correspondence. 3. To set up the fall planning session. 4. To contact all Officers several times during the year. 5. To be responsible for the program cover for the TJCL Convention. 6. To preside over the general assembly at the TJCL Convention on the first day of TJCL Convention and the first session of the general assembly on the last day of TJCL Convention. 7. To see that all other Officers are performing their duties. 8. To be responsible for the JCL office at the TJCL Convention. 9. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website. 10. Reimbursement for all TJCL related registration fees, travel expenses, and miscellaneous expenses required in the completion of these duties may be made upon: a) The submission of all receipts acquired. b) The recognition of the Officer's mentor and/or the State Chair(s) that the student has successfully completed all the duties of this office. 11. Reimbursements may be applied for by the Officer: a) At the conclusion of the NJCL Convention. b) After the close of the TJCL Convention.
B. First Vice-President 1. To be in charge of membership as follows: a) To contact former chapters which are not current members. b) To contact schools who have never joined TJCL. c) To provide results of their membership drive. 3. To perform any duties in the absence of the President. 4. To assume the office of the President in the event of death, illness, or inability to serve. 5. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website. 6. To collect community service reports from all participating TJCL chapters
C. Second Vice-President 1. To attend the NJCL Convention immediately following their election and serve as the Spirit Leader for the Tennessee delegation. 2. To oversee the Spirit Contest at the TJCL Convention. 3. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website. 4. Reimbursement for all TJCL related registration fees, travel expenses, and miscellaneous expenses required in the completion of these duties may be made upon: a) The submission of all receipts acquired. b) The recognition of the Officer's mentor and/or the State Chair(s) that the student has successfully completed all the duties of this office. 5. Reimbursements may be applied for by the Officer: a) At the conclusion of the NJCL Convention. b) After the close of TJCL Convention.
D. Parliamentarian 1. To maintain orderly conduct at all meetings and sessions according to Robert's Rules of Order. 2. To send out to all chapters two weeks prior to the TJCL Convention any proposed amendments to the Constitution. 3. To receive nominations for each office by the deadline indicated and then to notify each candidate of their status. 4. To submit a list of candidates to the State Chairs no later than two weeks prior to the TJCL Convention. 5. To preside over the Nominations Committee meeting. 6. To preside over the elections and balloting at the final session of the general assembly. 7. To prepare an official ballot for the election. 8. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website. 9. To provide a revised and dated copy of the TJCL Constitution incorporating all changes approved at the TJCL Convention. 10. To maintain and update a Campaign Corner, where materials focusing on elections and Officer duties will be centralized and made accessible. 11. To keep a revision history of the Constitution, that is, to publish a copy of the Constitution as it stands after any and all revisions are made upon the TJCL website, for the purpose of maintaining a Constitutional archive.
E. Communications Coordinator 1. To take minutes of NJCL delegation meetings and send a copy to each Board member if in attendance at NJCL. 2. To take minutes of the fall planning session and send a copy to each Board member. 3. To take minutes of the general assemblies at the TJCL Convention and send a copy to all Board members plus the new TJCL President and Communications Coordinator. 4. To take minutes of the Nominations Committee meeting at the TJCL Convention. 5. To keep an active file to be added to previous files and to give all files to the new Communications Coordinator. 6. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website. 7. To collect and manage TJCL audio-visual and electronic data, which includes, but is not limited to: a) Keep an updated TJCL Constitution on TJCL website. b) Have contact information of Executive Board members available. c) Oversee the TJCL online forum. d) Update the site with results from the annual TJCL Convention. e) Post editions of the Tennessee Torch as they are made available. f) Work with the 1st Vice President and the State Chair(s) in having required membership documents online.
F. Historian
1. To acquire material for the scrapbook from as many chapters as possible during the year. 2. To submit an outline and theme of the scrapbook to the President and State Chairs prior to the TJCL Convention. 3. To report on the scrapbook at the TJCL Convention. 4. To acquire a picture of each chapter attending the TJCL Convention. 5. To be responsible for entering the scrapbook into competition at the NJCL Convention and to give the State Chairs receipts for expenses to be reimbursed. 6. To give the scrapbook to the State Chairs after the NJCL Convention for storage. 7. To manage and organize communication through the official TJCL social media platforms 8. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website.
G. Torch Editor 1. To attend the NJCL Convention immediately following their election and take pictures for the Torch and for the scrapbook. 2. To write a letter to all chapters in the fall indicating Torch deadlines and regulations for articles. 3. To keep a file of all material sent to the editor and material used for each Torch. 4. To keep a file of purchases and expenses for the Torch and for pictures. 5. To be responsible for compiling and proofreading each issue of the Torch, which is published three times during the year, in November, February, and May. 6. To take pictures at the fall planning session and at the TJCL Convention for the Torch and for the scrapbook. 7. To submit three copies of each issue to the NJCL Convention Publications contest by the deadline indicated. 8. To hand over all files, pictures, extra issues of the Torch, materials, etc., to the State Chair by June 15. 9. To file with the State Chairs a written report summarizing their official TJCL activities during their term of office, which report is to be publicized on the TJCL website. 10. Reimbursements may be applied for by the Officer: a) At the conclusion of the NJCL Convention or b) After the close of TJCL Convention.
IX. Travel Reimbursement
TJCL shall reimburse board members for travel expenses incurred in connection with board meetings as follows. TJCL shall pay mileage to those traveling between cities at a rate of the number of miles traveled divided by an average of 20 miles per gallon multiplied by the average per gallon price of gasoline plus $25 for wear and tear. The price of gasoline shall be the highest rate in a city en route as published on fueleconomy.gov or their sponsored sites. Meals shall be reimbursed at a flat rate of $15 per claimed lunch and $25 per claimed dinner. Lodging shall be reimbursed at actual cost.
X. Candidacy for National Office
A. The TJCL Executive Board shall not endorse any current TJCL officer for NJCL office except in the case of multiple candidates seeking NJCL office.
B. In the case of multiple candidates seeking NJCL office, there shall be an Executive Board vote on whom to endorse, with those members from the same school as the candidate having recused themselves.
XI. Large Expenditures
A. Except as otherwise specifically determined by vote of the Executive Board, or as otherwise required by law, checks, drafts, promissory notes, orders for the payment of money and other evidence of indebtedness of the Corporation with a value of less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) shall be signed by a State Chair or Treasurer. Checks, drafts, promissory notes, orders for the payment of money and other evidence of indebtedness in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000), shall require the signatures of two (2) or more of the above-listed officers and a vote of the Executive Board.
B. Except as the State Chairs may generally or in particular cases authorize the execution thereof in some other manner, all deeds, leases, transfers, contracts, bonds, notes, checks, drafts and other obligations made, accepted or endorsed by the Organization shall be signed by the State Chairs or by the Treasurer.