Abridged TJCL Constitution and Bylaws (2024-2025)
Click here for the document version of the Abridged TJCL Constitution
Purpose of the Abridged TJCL Constitution
This document is supposed to allow easier understanding of the TJCL Constitution meant for the general people (a summary of the general points with official jargon cut out). This can also be a medium through which the current TJCL Parliamentarian can express their understanding or interpretation of the constitution through the nuances of the simplified wording. Certain important sections of the official TJCL Constitution and Bylaws are mentioned as highlights.
ACL - American Classical League
JCL - Junior Classical League
TJCL - Tennessee Junior Classical League
NomCom - Nominations Committee
GA - General Assembly
Pres. - President
1st VP - First Vice President
2nd VP - Second Vice President
Co-Co - Communications Coordinator
Parli - Parliamentarian
JCL - Junior Classical League
TJCL - Tennessee Junior Classical League
NomCom - Nominations Committee
GA - General Assembly
Pres. - President
1st VP - First Vice President
2nd VP - Second Vice President
Co-Co - Communications Coordinator
Parli - Parliamentarian
We, the members of the National Junior Classical League in Tennessee, in order to carry out more effectively the purpose of our national organization, namely "to hand on the torch of classical civilization in the modern world," do hereby adopt the following constitution and agree to abide by its rules.
ARTICLE I: Operation
This article defines key aspects of the TJCL such as titles, purposes, and symbols. Click below for more information.
ARTICLE II: Membership
This article outlines requirements to be considered as a member of TJCL, a local chapter, in good standing, and as a sponsor. Click below for more information.
ARTICLE III: Executive Board (see bylaws for more)
This article outlines the structure of the executive board as well as who has the power to appoint the members of the executive board. Click below for more information.
ARTICLE IV: Elections and Voting
This article goes over the election process for both candidates and voters. Click the sections below for more information.
Section 1. Candidacy (and Applications)
Section 2. Qualifications
Section 3. State of Emergency
Section 4. Nominations Committee
Section 5. Campaigning
Section 6. Voting
Sections 7-9. Quorum, Proxies, and Other Miscellaneous
Section 1. Candidacy (and Applications)
Section 2. Qualifications
Section 3. State of Emergency
Section 4. Nominations Committee
Section 5. Campaigning
Section 6. Voting
Sections 7-9. Quorum, Proxies, and Other Miscellaneous
ARTICLE V: Impeachment
This article goes over the process to impeach TJCL officers. Click below for more information.
ARTICLE VI: Amendments
This article goes over the process to amend the constitution. Click below for more information.
This article goes over general information about the bylaws. Click below for more information.
Click below for the summary of Bylaws I. and II. See footnote for remaining Bylaws.
The remaining bylaws outline duties and qualifications of the offices of the executive board. As these are straightforward, they aren’t included on this page. Click the links below for the remaining Bylaws.
III. The State Chairs
IV. The Academic Contest Chair
V. The Area Sponsors
VI. The Publicity Chair
VII. The Treasurer
VIII. The Officers
IX. Travel Reimbursement
X. Candidacy for National Office
XI. Large Expenditures
III. The State Chairs
IV. The Academic Contest Chair
V. The Area Sponsors
VI. The Publicity Chair
VII. The Treasurer
VIII. The Officers
IX. Travel Reimbursement
X. Candidacy for National Office
XI. Large Expenditures