Formed in 1955, the Tennessee Junior Classical League and its parent organization, the NJCL, are non-profit fraternal organizations whose purpose is to promote appreciation and enthusiasm for studying Latin and the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. Any junior high or high school student (7th-12th grade) who is currently enrolled in Latin, Greek, or a classical humanities course may join TJCL and NJCL. Any junior high or high school student who has completed two years of study in Latin or Greek is also eligible. Even students who are taking these courses over the internet can join!
JCL is the largest academic organization in America for junior high and high school students, and Tennessee comprises a large portion of the national roll. If you are a Latin teacher interested in starting a TJCL chapter, feel free to contact the TJCL Co-Chairs. TJCL dues are $2.00 per student plus a $10.00 fee for each chapter. NJCL dues are $3.00 per student and students must be members of both NJCL and TJCL. All chapters/members must have a sponsor who is a member of ACL ($65.00 dues). For students, see your Latin teacher if you would like to join. Visit the rest of this site if you want to find out more about our activities!
Salvete Omnes!
Welcome to the Tennessee Junior Classical League website!
Upcoming Events and Extras
More Info Here!
Caelum, non animum, mutant qui trans mare currunt.
Horace, Epistles, 1.11
"They who rush across the sea change their mind, not their soul."
(NJCL Theme 2023)
Horace, Epistles, 1.11
"They who rush across the sea change their mind, not their soul."
(NJCL Theme 2023)
Multa, quae impedita natura sunt, consilio expediuntur.
Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, XXV.11
“Many things which are naturally difficult are solved by ingenuity.”
(NJCL Theme 2024)
Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, XXV.11
“Many things which are naturally difficult are solved by ingenuity.”
(NJCL Theme 2024)
Please enjoy this slideshow with pictures from our local regional conventions, JCL activities, as well as conventions at the state and national level!
Please send any pictures you wish to be added to [email protected]
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email either of the state co-chairs, Mr. Tim Russell ([email protected]) or Mr. Ryan Vinson ([email protected]). To learn more, click on the links at the top of the page. If you run across any problems with the website, be sure to contact the communications coordinator ([email protected]) or Mr. Vinson.