Article IV: Elections and Voting
Section 5. Campaigning
Executive Board members
No TJCL Executive Board member may promote a candidate for election
A student member of the TJCL Executive Board may run for a different office, provided that they meet all the qualifications in Article IV, Section 3
Campaigning can only take place after NomCom meeting and when authorized by the TJCL Parliamentarian (if such times are different)
The TJCL Parliamentarian, with the consent of the Executive Board, shall:
No TJCL Executive Board member may promote a candidate for election
A student member of the TJCL Executive Board may run for a different office, provided that they meet all the qualifications in Article IV, Section 3
Campaigning can only take place after NomCom meeting and when authorized by the TJCL Parliamentarian (if such times are different)
- During NomCom, nominees will make a speech with a duration of no more than one minute in length
- In a designated assembly (GA), each candidate will make a campaign speech of no more than two minutes in length.
- Can only be displayed in designated areas during the campaigning period (must be taken down after election).
- Materials deemed inappropriate by TJCL Executive Board members will be removed
The TJCL Parliamentarian, with the consent of the Executive Board, shall:
- Set the limit on campaign expenses each year
- Publish this limit in TJCL campaign information
- Distribute the information to the nominees for office
- Collect receipts from each nominee at the conclusion of the NomCom